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FACSA Opening Checklist Template

This is a checklist of items all schools should have in place prior to starting a new school year.  Authorizers should send to schools and ask them to return forms attesting that each of these items are in place, and where requested, include documentation.  Authorizers may also choose to do site visits to inspect if some or all these items are in place rather than rely on these attestations.   This template draws from examples across the state and is intended to be a comprehensive look at what authorizers may wish to collect; authorizers should customize to meet their needs.

Document Author(s): FACSA

State: Florida
Document Type: Templates and Sample Documents
Major Area(s) of Work:
Lifecycle Phase: Charter School Oversight
School Type: All School Types

Document Format: docx
Number of Pages:
Language: English
Publication Date: December 2020
Status: Published

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